Turkiye buys "Typhoon"? - Erdogan announced

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We discussed the purchase of "Eurofighter" (Typhoon) fighters with Mr. Sanchez. As you know, Spain's training planes are important. They have a chance or an opportunity to provide us with these training aircraft.

Axar.az reports that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said this in his statement to journalists.

"I asked him (Pedro Sanchez) to help us in this matter at the point of contact with Germany. He also said that he can negotiate with Germany on this issue. "Eurofighter" planes are very important for us now. Germany has now softened on this issue. Our relevant institutions hold necessary meetings with the other parties. Turkiye's main approach is clear: We want to meet our needs first from NATO allies. However, if a negative result is obtained at the end of the process, we have alternative options. Our "Kaan" fighters are already flying. In the future, we will have no problem with this once the mass production and inventory process is complete. We experienced the same similar process with UAVs. Even then, we could not get them from our allies. What happened next? Turkiye produced UAVs of the highest quality. Now many countries are knocking on Turkiye's door to buy them," Erdogan said.

2024.06.15 / 18:34
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