Over 3,000 troops and 200 vehicles from 12 NATO Allies¹ are taking part in exercise Silver Arrow in Latvia this week. The multinational exercise, which wraps up on 3 October, provides an opportunity for forces to enhance their readiness, and train with one of four NATO battlegroups in the region.
Axar.az reports citing foreign media that NATO’s battlegroup in Latvia is composed of around 1,000 troops from Albania, Canada, Czech Republic, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. Exercise Silver Arrow is designed to test the battlegroup’s ability to plan and conduct operations with the Latvian Mechanized Infantry Brigade.
This week, Joint Terminal Attack Controllers – specialised soldiers who guide fighter aircraft to targets on the ground - from Canada, Italy, Latvia, Slovenia and Spain conducted air-to-ground training at Camp Ādaži. Two Royal Canadian Air Force CF-18 fighter aircraft will also support the exercise, conducting air-to-ground support missions.