Hungarian deputies visited the grave of Heydar Aliyev

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The delegation headed by Attila Tilkin, a member of the Fidesz-Hungarian Civil Union Party, head of the Hungarian-Azerbaijani inter-parliamentary friendship group of the Hungarian National Assembly, paid tribute to Heydar Aliyev, the founder of the modern independent state of Azerbaijan, the National Leader of our people, and laid flowers in front of his grave in the Alley of Honor on June 17.

Axar.az reports that the dear memory of outstanding ophthalmologist-scientist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva was remembered, and flowers were laid on her grave.

Then the members of the Hungarian-Azerbaijani friendship group visited the Alley of Martyrs.

The memory of the heroic children of the Motherland, who sacrificed their lives in the struggle for the freedom and independence of Azerbaijan, was commemorated with respect and flowers were placed on their graves.

2024.06.17 / 13:15
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