"Caesar" is coming: Yerevan lost the war because of this

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Given the threat of drone strikes in modern warfare, rapid artillery movement is critical.

Axar.az reports that Russian military expert Pavel Felgenhauer said these words in his statement to the Armenian media while commenting on Armenia's purchase of "Caesar" howitzers from France.

According to him, the Armenian side lost in the 44-day war precisely because the artillery was suppressed by drones:

“Camouflage didn't help, the artillery was pretty static. It worked well in the first Karabakh war, and in the second it was quite vulnerable. The Armenian side suffered a huge loss in artillery, and without artillery support, everything ended miserably. The main problem of the Armenian side was the lack of modern artillery. This led to defeat in the war.

Therefore, it is appropriate to start with the reforms of the artillery forces, and Armenia is also doing this."

It should be noted that Yerevan and Paris signed an agreement on the supply of French CAESAR self-propelled artillery systems.

2024.06.19 / 12:10
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