New Caledonia challenge from Russia to France

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Russia calls on the French authorities to ensure the fundamental rights and freedoms of political activists in New Caledonia.

Axar.az reports that Maria Zakharova, an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, said this.

"We call on the French authorities to ensure the basic rights and freedoms of political activists in New Caledonia, as well as all residents of this archipelago who suffer from French neglect and bear clear traces of the colonial past," Zakharova said.

Zakharova recalled that at the end of last week, 11 well-known activists of the national liberation movement of New Caledonia, including Christian Ten, were detained and arrested:

"Most of them were sent to France, 17,000 km away from their homes, despite the protests of local residents."

2024.06.26 / 22:10
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