The United States plans to transfer hundreds of units of equipment and vehicles from its bases in Germany to training grounds in Armenia. reports via RT, the transportation will be carried out via Georgia.
A military expert links this operation to potential joint exercises between the Pentagon and the Armenian army. Experts also note that such cooperation with a country hosting Russian military bases could be seen as Washington’s military expansion in Armenia.
According to the U.S. government procurement portal, the U.S. Army's logistics command plans to transfer equipment from the military base in Dülmen, Germany, to the Zar base in Armenia.
The transfer is scheduled to begin on July 16 and is expected to continue until August 7. According to the transportation service tender, the return to Germany is planned between August 21 and September 20, 2025.
The contract also includes the transportation of equipment from the Armavir training ground in Armenia to the port of Poti in Georgia.