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2024.02.08 09:56

Tajik President congratulates his Azerbaijani counterpart.

Axar.az reports that the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon has sent a congratulatory letter to President Ilham Aliyev on his victory in the elections.


The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, congratulated the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, on the occasion of his confident victory in the extraordinary presidential elections.

N. Maduro shared about it on his social network account.

The post reads: "I congratulate the people of Azerbaijan and their re-elected President Ilham Aliyev. Through your leadership, wisdom and humanity, you will continue to lead your noble nation forward on the path of development and progress. Onward to new heights! Long live Azerbaijan!".


On February 8, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev called the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The Press Service of the President of Azerbaijan reported on this.

The head of state of Kazakhstan congratulated Ilham Aliyev on his confident victory in the presidential elections and wished him success in his activities for our country's comprehensive development and progress. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted the importance of Azerbaijan achieving great success in all fields under our head of state's leadership and further strengthening our country's international position.

President Ilham Aliyev expressed his gratitude for the attention and congratulations.

The heads of state expressed their confidence that Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan's friendly and brotherly relations will continue to strengthen and exchanged views on the prospects of our cooperation.


On February 8, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov called the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The Press Service of the President of Azerbaijan reported on this.

The President of Kyrgyzstan congratulated Ilham Aliyev on his confident victory in the presidential elections. Sadyr Japarov once again noted the importance of restoring the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan under the leadership of our head of state and emphasized that rapid development processes are underway in our country and its international positions are getting stronger.

The head of state of Kyrgyzstan respectfully noted that the foundation of our bilateral relations was laid by National Leader Heydar Aliyev.

Sadyr Japarov wished President Ilham Aliyev success in his work for the progress of Azerbaijan.

The head of state thanked for the attention and congratulations.

During the telephone conversation, the presidents of Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan expressed their confidence that our bilateral friendly and brotherly relations will continue to develop comprehensively and exchanged views on the prospects of our relations.


President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedow congratulated Ilham Aliyev on his victory in the extraordinary presidential elections held in Azerbaijan.

S. Berdimuhamedow noted that the victory is an indicator of a high level of trust and support for Ilham Aliyev's political course aimed at strengthening statehood and socio-economic development of the country:

"Please accept my sincere congratulations on the occasion of your confident victory in the presidential elections held in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The results of the voting are an indicator of the high level of trust and support of the Azerbaijani people for your political course aimed at strengthening statehood and the socio-economic development of the country. I am sure that this important event will contribute to the future development of the Republic of Azerbaijan and will help improve the welfare of its citizens.

It is gratifying to note the fruitful nature of fraternal relations between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan. We are sure that these relations will develop in the future and deepen for the sake of the people of the two countries. We express our gratitude to you for your attention and great support for good neighborly relations between our countries.

Dear Ilham Heydar oglu, I wish you good health, happiness, and success in your responsible activities as the head of state and peace, tranquillity, and progress to the brotherly people of Azerbaijan.


On February 8, the President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Ersin Tatar, called the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

The Press Service of the President released information about this.

Arsin Tatar congratulated the head of our state on his confident victory in the presidential elections and wished him success in his activities for the development of Azerbaijan.

President Ilham Aliyev expressed his gratitude for the congratulations.

During the telephone conversation, the importance of cooperation within the framework of the Organization of Turkic States was touched upon, and confidence was expressed that these relations would expand in the future.


On February 8, the President of the Republic of Albania Bajram Begaj called the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

Bayram Begay congratulated the head of state on his victory in the presidential elections and wished him success in his presidential activities.

President Ilham Aliyev expressed his gratitude for the attention and congratulations.

The heads of state expressed their satisfaction with the development of Azerbaijan-Albania bilateral relations and expressed confidence that the cooperation will continue to expand.


The President of the Republic of Croatia, Zoran Milanovic, addressed a congratulatory letter to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

The greeting reads:

"Dear Mr. President.

On behalf of the citizens of the Republic of Croatia and my behalf, I am pleased to convey my sincere congratulations on your re-election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

I wish you success in carrying out this responsible task. I believe that you will continue to work selflessly for the overall development of your state and the prosperity of your citizens.

Friendly relations between Croatia and Azerbaijan have been developing for the past 30 years. I am sure that during your new presidency, we will continue our activities in the direction of strengthening and deepening our common relations. Our economic cooperation is of particular importance and there is great potential for its further development. I believe that we will spare no effort to further promote close cooperation between Azerbaijani and Croatian companies, as well as increase interest in mutual investments.

Mr. President, I ask you to accept my highest respect for you."


The President of the Republic of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez congratulated the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of his confident victory in the early presidential elections.

The President of Cuba shared about this on his account on the "X" social network.

The post says:

"I congratulate President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on his re-election as president, I wish him success in his new mandate and prosperity to his people. I once again state that we are ready to strengthen the friendship and cooperation between the two countries."


The Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania Edi Rama congratulated the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of his confident victory in the extraordinary presidential elections.

Edi Rama X shared about it on his social network account.

The share says: "I convey my sincere congratulations to my dear friend Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of his confirmation once again as the undisputed leader of friendly Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan, with its hardworking people, is a lovely country and will move forward under its leadership. I look forward to attending the opening of the new embassy of Albania in Baku soon."


General Secretary of TURKSOY Sultan Raev sent a congratulatory letter to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Dear Mr. President,

On behalf of the General Secretariat of TURKSOY, the Permanent Council of Ministers of Culture of the Turkic States, and on my behalf, I sincerely congratulate your Excellency on your confident victory in the presidential elections held at a high level on February 7, 2024, in the Republic of Azerbaijan, and I am pleased to express my best wishes.

The comprehensive support of your candidacy by the people of Azerbaijan in the elections is a clear manifestation of their unlimited trust in the Commander-in-Chief and wise leader who fully restored the country's territorial integrity and established historical justice.

I believe that your Excellency's rich experience and wise policy will greatly contribute to the progress of Azerbaijan and the well-being of the people in the new era, and the fruitful cooperation and cultural relations between TURKSOY and the Republic of Azerbaijan will expand and develop further.

I am sure that the activities carried out by the international TURKSOY organization in the direction of developing cultural relations between our member countries and promoting the rich culture of Azerbaijan, which is an integral part of the Turkic world, will expand further.

I heartily congratulate your Excellency, who spares no attention and support to TURKSOY, on this important victory. I wish you and your family good health, peace, tranquillity and continuous progress to the brotherly people of Azerbaijan."


The President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev sent a congratulatory letter to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Dear Mr. President.

Please accept my sincere congratulations and good wishes on the occasion of your election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

This is proof of the success you have achieved in your service to the people and the state of Azerbaijan over the past years as the President. I am sure that under your leadership, Azerbaijan will continue to develop comprehensively.

Using this opportunity, I express my satisfaction with the active and constructive bilateral dialogue and also express my confidence that the successful strategic partnership between our countries will further develop and deepen in the future.

Mr. President, I wish you good health and new achievements in your work as a supreme state to further develop the Republic of Azerbaijan and raise the welfare of the friendly people of Azerbaijan.

I ask you to accept my highest regards."


The President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan congratulated the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of his confident victory in the early presidential elections.

The greeting reads:

"I congratulate President Ilham Aliyev on his victory in the last presidential elections and wish him success in his activities for the further development of Azerbaijan. I am looking forward to continue working with him to strengthen bilateral relations and expand the base of mutual interests for the sake of the interests of our countries and peoples."


The President of the State of Palestine and chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization Mahmoud Abbas sent a congratulatory letter to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Dear Mr. President.

I am pleased to convey my sincere congratulations on your re-election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the next term. I wish you continued success in the performance of your highest task, and in leading your country and people towards their goals and dreams.

I take this opportunity to express my pride in our bilateral relations, and my intention to continue working together to strengthen and develop them for the benefit of our countries and peoples, and I am grateful for your position on the just cause of Palestine.

I ask your Excellency to accept my best wishes for good health and happiness and the progress and prosperity of your country and people."


On February 9, Director General of ICESCO Salim bin Mohammad Al-Malik called the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The Press Service of the President released information about this.

The Director General of ICESCO conveyed his congratulations and good wishes to the head of our state on his victory in the presidential elections and wished him new success in his activities for the sake of the progress of Azerbaijan. He once again appreciated the contribution of President Ilham Aliyev to the work of Islamic solidarity.

President Ilham Aliyev expressed his gratitude for the attention and congratulations.

During the telephone conversation, confidence was expressed that the effective cooperation between Azerbaijan and ICESCO, which has been going on for many years, will continue to expand.


Chairman of the Council of Elders of the Organization of Turkic States, and member of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center, Binali Yildirim, sent a congratulatory letter to the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Dear Mr. President.

I am pleased to convey my sincere congratulations to you on the occasion of your brilliant victory in the extraordinary presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, held on February 7, and my wishes for peace and prosperity to the fraternal people of Azerbaijan.

These elections, which are of historical importance in terms of being held for the first time in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan, once again demonstrated the values, courage and wisdom of the Azerbaijani people.

I wish your Excellency success, and I pray to Almighty God that the results of the elections will be good for the people of Azerbaijan and the entire Turkic world."


The Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Sergey Lebedev sent a congratulatory letter to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Respected Ilham Heydar oghlu.

On the way back from Baku to Moscow, I wanted to congratulate you once again from the bottom of my heart on the occasion of your confident victory in the presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

As the head of the CIS observer mission, I once again witnessed the high trust of the vast majority of the citizens of your country in you.

I am sure that your activity as the head of state will help the consistent development of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the future, the strengthening of its position in the international arena, as well as the deepening of integration processes in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the favourable conditions created for the activity of the CIS observation mission, which allowed us to carry out effective monitoring at all stages of election campaign preparation and elections.

To my sincere congratulations on your victory in the presidential elections, I would like to add my wishes for good health, peace and success in your activities for the sake of the welfare of the people of Azerbaijan."


The King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa congratulated the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of his brilliant victory in the extraordinary presidential elections.

This was reported by the Bahrain News Agency (BNA).

It was reported that King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa wished President Ilham Aliyev continued success in his duties in the direction of realizing the dreams of progress and prosperity of the Azerbaijani people.


Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan congratulated President Ilham Aliyev on his victory in the presidential elections held in Azerbaijan on February 7.


A congratulatory letter has arrived from the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation, Rustam Minnikhanov, to the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Dear Ilham Heydar oglu.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your victory in the presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The results of these elections showed your undeniable authority among the citizens of the country, and their willingness to actively work with your leadership and solve strategic socio-economic tasks. Your citizens trusted you with the fate of the state and their future. This is especially valuable in the current climate of global instability and is a bright confirmation of your strong reputation as a strong, experienced statesman, visionary and talented politician. I sincerely wish you great achievements and achievement of all strategic goals for the further strengthening and development of the state of Azerbaijan, energy and enthusiasm in your continuous active work for the welfare of your people.

I hope that thanks to our joint efforts, the multilateral potential of the traditional mutually beneficial cooperation between Tatarstan and Azerbaijan within the framework of Russian-Azerbaijani relations will be fruitfully realized in the future. I am sure that multi-faceted close relations between our fraternal nations are an important contribution to the strengthening of peace and mutual understanding in general.

I wish you good health, success and happiness."


The High Representative of the UN Alliance of Civilizations, Miguel Angel Moratinos, sent a congratulatory letter to the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Your Excellency.

I heartily congratulate you on your victory in the elections and your re-election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The results of the elections demonstrated the continued support and confidence of the people of Azerbaijan in Your Excellency's leadership and determination to strengthen unity, progress and peace.

I would like to use this opportunity to state that the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) continues to be a long-term partner of Azerbaijan in various initiatives of the government, including the "Baku Process", related to the promotion of interreligious and intercultural dialogue. UNAOC is a member of the international Working Group of the 6th World Intercultural Dialogue Forum, scheduled to be held in Baku in May 2024. Our team has already begun key consultations on the program and I look forward to personally representing UNAOC at the 6th World Intercultural Dialogue Forum, participating in discussions and contributing to a successful outcome.

UNAOC is committed to further strengthening cooperation and joint activities with the government of Azerbaijan by working closely with the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Culture and the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the UN.

I use this opportunity to express my highest respect to your Excellency."


The President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu addressed a congratulatory letter to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

"Please accept my sincere congratulations on your re-election as President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. I wish you and the people of Azerbaijan peace and prosperity.

I hope that the traditional friendly relations between the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Azerbaijan, based on the principles of mutual respect and trust, will form the basis for the development of cooperation between our countries.

I would like to emphasize the constructive nature of the political dialogue between our states and confirm that my country is open to the deepening of bilateral relations. I am sure that with joint efforts, we will be able to further intensify the Moldovan-Azerbaijani cooperation in the economic and commercial, investment, energy, and agricultural fields for the benefit of the citizens of our countries.

Your Excellency, I wish you new success and achievements in your state activities, and I ask you to accept my high regards," the congratulations said.


The President of the Kyrgyz Republic, Sadyr Japarov, sent a congratulatory letter to the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Please accept my sincere congratulations on your re-election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Your victory in the elections was a clear example of respect and support by the people of Azerbaijan for your selfless work and your efforts to strengthen state sovereignty, improve the welfare of the population, and continue the independent and open foreign policy founded by Heydar Aliyev, the founder of the modern Azerbaijan state.

Your contribution to the development of Kyrgyzstan-Azerbaijan friendship relations, which is currently strategic, is highly appreciated in our country.

I confirm once again that we are ready to continue our joint efforts to deepen comprehensive cooperation between our countries.

I wish you good health and new successes in your work as a supreme state for the welfare of brother Azerbaijan.

With respect and best wishes."


The President of Lithuania Gitanas Nauseda sent a congratulatory letter to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of his victory in the elections.

In the letter, President Gitanas Nauseda, wishing the head of state new successes and continued prosperity of our country, noted:

"I am sure that in the new period of your presidency, effective cooperation relations, and successful bilateral and multilateral partnership between Lithuania and Azerbaijan will be further developed."

President Gitanas Nauseda emphasized that there are ample opportunities for deepening relations between our countries, especially for developing bilateral contacts in the fields of economy, information technologies, and renewable energy.

Once again congratulating President Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of his victory in the elections, the head of state of Lithuania noted that the new mandate is a solid foundation for the establishment of sustainable peace in the region.


Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania Edi Rama sent a congratulatory letter to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

"Your success in the elections and your re-election to the position of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a great opportunity to convey my best wishes and my most sincere congratulations. I would like to use this opportunity to invite you, on behalf of the Government of Albania and my behalf, to a high-level dialogue between us, and important for our economies, especially energy and tourism. I express my gratitude for the cooperation in the fields.

I firmly believe that your new presidential mandate will give a new impetus to the relations between our friendly countries. Also, the soon opening of the embassy of the Republic of Albania in Baku will contribute to the further acceleration of communication between us.

Once again, I send my best wishes. Your Excellencies, I ask you to accept my highest respect for you," the greeting said.


Denis Becirovic, a member of the Presidium of Bosnia and Herzegovina, congratulated the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on his victory in the elections.

In his congratulatory letter sent to the head of state, Denis Bechirovic emphasized that the relations between our countries have been remembered for many years with good cooperation sincerity, and friendship. He noted that he is sure that bilateral relations will continue to develop in the spirit of friendship in all areas of mutual interest.

The member of the Presidium expressed his commitment to maintaining and expanding the partnership for the welfare of our countries and peoples and pointed out that he is looking forward to new meetings and the continuation of our cooperation with President Ilham Aliyev.


BP CEO Murray Auchincloss congratulated President Ilham Aliyev on his victory in the elections.

The greeting reads:

"To His Excellency Mr Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

His Excellency.

On behalf of the BP company, I convey my sincere congratulations to you on the occasion of your re-election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. I wish you success in all your efforts to improve the welfare of the people of Azerbaijan.

I would like to use this opportunity to once again emphasize BP's continued commitment to our energy projects in Azerbaijan.

As a BP company, we hope that the long-term partnership with the government of Azerbaijan and SOCAR will be further strengthened.

Your Excellencies, I sincerely congratulate you once again and wish you success in your work as a supreme state.

I look forward to meeting you soon in Baku."


Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Hissein Brahim Taha called the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The Press Service of the President released information about this.

The General Secretary congratulated Ilham Aliyev on his victory in the presidential elections and wished him success in his activities for the development of our country.

He especially emphasized the contribution of President Ilham Aliyev to the work of Islamic solidarity, at the same time, he congratulated the head of state on the implementation of extensive improvement and construction works in our lands freed from occupation.

Expressing his gratitude for the attention and congratulations, President Ilham Aliyev noted that Azerbaijan will continue to contribute to the strengthening of the international reputation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the development of the organization, and the strengthening of solidarity among member countries.

The head of state Hissein Brahim expressed his desire to see Tahan again in Azerbaijan and invited him to visit our country. The invitation was gratefully accepted.


Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Zhang Ming sent a congratulatory letter to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Dear Ilham Heydar oglu.

I heartily congratulate you on your re-election to the honourable position of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

I had the honour of leading the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) delegation to observe the presidential elections held in Azerbaijan. The organization, fairness, and inclusiveness demonstrated during the elections left a deep impression on our team.

Over the past twenty years, your visionary leadership has played an important role in ensuring the unparalleled rise of Azerbaijan. Your achievements in the fields of economic development, infrastructure, and social security have not only elevated Azerbaijan in the world arena but also served as an inspiring example for other countries. I am sure that under your leadership, the people and the state of Azerbaijan will achieve more success during your new presidency.

The Republic of Azerbaijan is a dialogue partner of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and an important member of the "SCO family". In this regard, I express my gratitude for the active participation of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the activities of the SCO, as well as your support for the activities of our organization.

Excellencies, I declare that we are ready for close cooperation with you and the government of Azerbaijan. May the strong and unshakable partnership between the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Azerbaijan be further strengthened by promoting mutual understanding, peace, and prosperity!

We thank the SCO delegation for the attention and hospitality shown during our visit to Azerbaijan.

I congratulate you once again on your re-election as President. I am sure that the Republic of Azerbaijan will reach new heights under your leadership."


Mikhail Gutseriev, President of the Russian "SAFMAR Group" Joint Stock Company, sent a congratulatory letter to the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

The congratulatory letter reads:

"Dear Ilham Heydar oglu.

I congratulate you on your confident victory in the presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Citizens of Azerbaijan once again supported you as a true leader of the people, a strong and wise political figure capable of ensuring the country's stable development, preserving its sovereignty, and strengthening the position of the republic in the geopolitical arena of the world.

Dear Ilham Heydar oghlu, I sincerely wish you good health and happiness, and peace and progress to the people of Azerbaijan."


Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Magomedsalam Magomedov sent a congratulatory letter to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Dear Ilham Heydar oghlu.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your confident victory in the presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The broad support of the people of Azerbaijan proves that the course you have implemented in the direction of prosperity and development of the republic is successful.

I wish you good health and success from the bottom of my heart, and peace, prosperity, and tranquility to all the people of Azerbaijan."


Sultan of Oman Haitham bin Tariq Al Said congratulated the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of his confident victory in the early presidential elections.

It was mentioned in the information that the Sultan of Oman conveyed his sincere congratulations and best wishes to the President of Azerbaijan and wished him good health.

Heytam bin Tariq Al Said wished President Ilham Aliyev good luck on the way to progress and prosperity of the friendly people of Azerbaijan and expressed hope that friendly relations between the two countries will continue to develop and strengthen.


The President of the Republic of Kenya William Samoei Ruto congratulated the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of his confident victory in the early presidential elections.

The President of Kenya shared about this on his account on the X social network.

"I convey my heartfelt congratulations on your re-election to the position of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Your convincing victory confirmed the confidence of the people of Azerbaijan in your skill and leadership for many years. I express my satisfaction with the strong, continuous, sincere, and friendly relations between Kenya and Azerbaijan for many years since the foundation of our diplomatic relations in 2004. As we celebrate the 20th year of our diplomatic relations, I am pleased to say that we have a perfect opportunity to further strengthen our bilateral relations within the framework of agreed priorities and expand them to new areas of mutual interest.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my confidence that under your leadership, we will explore opportunities for fruitful partnerships in various fields such as trade, investment, energy, climate change, and tourism.

Your Excellency, please accept my highest respect and that of the people of Kenya," the post said.


The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia congratulated the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of his brilliant victory in the early presidential elections.

This was reported by the SPA news agency of Saudi Arabia.

It was reported that King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud expressed his sincere congratulations to President Ilham Aliyev and wished success continued development and prosperity to the people of Azerbaijan.


The Emir of the State of Kuwait His Highness Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah congratulated the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of his victory in the extraordinary presidential elections.

It was reported that the Emir of Kuwait wished President Ilham Aliyev good health and rapid development and prosperity to Azerbaijan and its friendly people.

According to another report of KUNA, the Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait His Highness Sheikh Muhammad Sabah al-Salem al-Sabah also congratulated the head of state on his victory in the elections.


Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matviyenko congratulated the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Dear Ilham Heydar oglu.

On behalf of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and my behalf, I congratulate you on your next confident victory in the presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Elections are an important stage in the history of all states. The fact that the citizens of Azerbaijan freely expressed their will showed the close unity of the people and demonstrated a high level of confidence in the course the country is moving forward under your wise leadership. I am sure that your professionalism and rich experience will help ensure socio-economic stability, increase the well-being of the people and increase the international reputation of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the future.

Russian-Azerbaijani relations have always been based on strong ties of friendship and good neighbourly principles. These relations, including relations with the parliamentary line, are developing in a constructive direction, and continue to reveal the potential of alliance partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Dear Ilham Heydar oglu, I wish you good health, peace and success in your position as the supreme state for the sake of the welfare of the people of Azerbaijan. Please accept my sincerest regards."


Rector of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Academician Viktor Sadovnichiy addressed a congratulatory letter to President Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Respected Ilham Heydar oglu.

On behalf of the entire team of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and on my behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your confident victory in the presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

You have proven once again that you are the most worthy candidate for such a high position with your tireless work and complete dedication. Your high professionalism and exceptional personal and business qualities characterize you as a wise and determined leader who sees the goal and achieves tangible results. We see how a beautiful land with centuries-old history and strong traditions is gradually turning into a prosperous and stable state, where every person can achieve their dreams and find their happiness.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your careful and sincere attitude towards our cooperation. The Baku branch of Moscow University has been successfully serving the development of science and education for many years and strengthening the effective cooperation of our countries.

Dear Ilham Heydar oglu, today I agree with all the sincere words addressed to you, I wish you good health, prosperity, new interesting projects and the realization of all your plans".


Patriarch of Moscow and All of Russia Kirill sent a congratulatory letter to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"His Excellency Ilham Heydar oglu.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your confident victory in the presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The fact that you were re-elected to the position of the supreme state is an indicator of the national trust you have gained during your leadership of the country for many years. The fact that the majority of voters voted for you shows that people see in you an experienced and influential national leader who is always attentive to their needs and desires, and who can effectively solve current issues of domestic and foreign policy.

I wish you good health and always high spirits, help from the merciful God and new successes in the supreme position of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Chairman of the Spiritual Department of Muslims of the Russian Federation, Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin, sent a congratulatory letter to President Ilham Aliyev.

The greeting reads:

"Dear Mr. President.

On behalf of the Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of the Russian Federation, our clergy, and my behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on the victory in the presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

With deep respect, we join the congratulations sent to you, we convey our greetings to you and the prayers of peace, success and progress of the Russian Muslims to the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Your victory is a confirmation of your undoubted service to the country. This is a symbol of the leader's unconditional authority, whose wise policy allowed Azerbaijan to enter modern history as a victorious state.

This is also the confidence of the Azerbaijani people in the future under your leadership.

We join the joy of the multi-ethnic and multi-confessional fraternal people of Azerbaijan, we celebrate great achievements in the liberation of historical lands, the creation of a powerful unified state, and the comprehensive strengthening of the economy and international political influence.

The strengthening of the solidarity of the Azerbaijani people under your leadership, the unparalleled unity and patriotism of the modern society, which is ready to overcome all trials and difficulties for the sake of the glory of its country, gives us a special feeling of joy.

From the Almighty, I sincerely wish you success in your good deeds, strength from God and new wise political decisions for the sake of the well-being of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Dear Ilham Heydar oglu, I pray to Almighty God and wish peace and prosperity to you and all the people of Azerbaijan. Amen!"


Leonid Slutsky, head of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, sent a congratulatory letter to President Ilham Aliyev.

The greeting reads:

"Dear son of Ilham Heydar.

I sincerely congratulate you on your re-election as the President of Azerbaijan.

You have rightfully earned great respect and a high reputation not only in your homeland but also in our country and around the world as an experienced, far-sighted political figure who has done a lot for the peace of his people and the region. The results of the elections also showed this confidently.

As a worthy successor and follower of the wise policy and work of your genius father, National Leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, you successfully continue his ideas.

I am sure that with your re-election as the President, the works in this direction will be continued more actively and you will spare no effort to make these works benefit your compatriots, all the citizens of the country, and our people as a whole.

I appreciate and cherish the personal trust and mutual understanding that has arisen between us.

From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely wish you good health, happiness, and peace in your work and personal life."


Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cultural Cooperation Mikhail Shvydkoy sent a congratulatory letter to President Ilham Aliyev.

The greeting reads:

"Respected Ilham Heydar oglu.

I sincerely congratulate you on your great success in the elections and your re-election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Twenty years ago, you promised your people that you would restore the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, and you fully fulfilled this promise.

Today, Azerbaijan plays an important role in the world community. In this regard, the strategic partnership relations of our countries are more valuable.

I am happy for you, for Azerbaijan. Your father would be proud of you. What can be higher than that?!

I wish you all the best."


Rector of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M.Sechenov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pyotr Glybochko sent a congratulatory letter to President Ilham Aliyev.

The greeting reads:

"Dear Ilham Heydar oglu.

I sincerely congratulate you on your re-election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The results of the poll confirm your high reputation as a political figure and popular support for the country's leader. You are a bright, extraordinary personality, a very good administrator who has proven his loyalty to the people of Azerbaijan. The country has achieved great success in the economic and social spheres under your leadership and looks to the future with confidence. The Baku branch of the Sechenov University of the Russian Ministry of Health was opened thanks to your support and active participation, and today it makes a significant contribution to the development of science and education in your country, and to the strengthening of friendship between the brotherly peoples of Russia and Azerbaijan.

I wish you success, good health and peace in your post of supreme state".


Chairman of the Supreme Mountain and Mining Council of Russia, Yuri Shafranik, sent a congratulatory letter to President Ilham Aliyev.

The greeting reads:

"Dear Ilham Heydar oglu.

I heartily congratulate you on your confident victory in the extraordinary presidential elections.

I sincerely wish you new success, strong health, prosperity and progress in your activities in a very high-state position.

I hope that your activity as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan will continue to contribute to the strengthening of the centuries-old friendship between the peoples of Russia and Azerbaijan."


Alexander Beglov, the governor of the city of St. Petersburg of the Russian Federation, addressed a congratulatory letter to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Dear Ilham Heydar oglu.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your victory in the presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The results of the voting once again demonstrated the deep respect, love and trust of the Azerbaijani people and confirmed your authority as a national leader.

As a bright, unusual and visionary political figure, you have done a lot for the progress and prosperity of your country. Thanks to your personality, wisdom, great experience and leadership talent, today Azerbaijan is a dynamically developing state. The great achievements of the country are met with sincere admiration all over the world.

Conducting an open and reliable dialogue with Azerbaijani partners is one of the main priorities of St. Petersburg's international activities. The City Government appreciates your attention to the development of bilateral relations.

I am sure that the cultural and business mission of St. Petersburg to Azerbaijan planned for the spring of this year under my leadership will further strengthen our friendly and partnership relations and will be the beginning of new promising projects.

I wish you and your loved ones good health, inexhaustible energy, and new achievements for the sake of the further development of Azerbaijan and the well-being of the residents of the republic.

I am always glad to see you in the city on the banks of the Neva."


Director General of ICESCO Salim bin Mohammed al-Malik sent a congratulatory letter to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Your Excellency.

On behalf of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), I convey my sincere congratulations on your re-election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Your confident victory in the last elections is proof of the confidence and trust of the Azerbaijani people in your leadership. It is also a manifestation of your dedication, vision and unwavering commitment to the development and prosperity of your country.

We, as ICESCO, hope to continue our cooperation with Azerbaijan under your wise leadership and to develop the fields of education, science and culture in the Islamic world.

Your continued support has had a positive impact on initiatives to promote cultural exchange, scientific research and education in the region. We are sure that with your new mandate, Azerbaijan will achieve even greater achievements in the coming years.

I express my admiration for your exceptional leadership, which resonates throughout the Islamic world, supporting youth development, and furthering peace and progress.

I congratulate you once again on your re-election as President. May your next presidential term bring greater prosperity and success to the Republic of Azerbaijan!

Your Excellencies, accept my highest regards."


The Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) Kubanychbek Omuraliev addressed a congratulatory letter to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Dear Mr. President.

I heartily congratulate you on your re-election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Your victory in the elections is a clear indication of your exceptionally successful activity in the domestic and foreign policy of Azerbaijan. Thanks to your independent and decisive policy, Azerbaijan has strengthened its reputation among the countries of the world and has become one of the leading states in the region.

I remember with pleasure my meeting with you after the elections. The special importance you give to the Turkic world, the fact that cooperation with Turkish states is one of the priority directions of Azerbaijan's foreign policy is an important contribution to the further development and strengthening of Turkish unity and solidarity, as well as the Organization of Turkic States.

I wish you good health and new success in your work for the welfare of the people of Azerbaijan."


A congratulatory letter has arrived from the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Kobakhidze, to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"Dear Mr. President.

I am pleased to convey my sincere congratulations on your confident victory in the elections and your re-election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. I wish you success in your activities as a supreme state, I wish you new achievements for the well-being, peace and stability of your country and the friendly people of Azerbaijan.

I am sure that the people's trust will bring new successes to the Republic of Azerbaijan and your leadership determination will play an important role in achieving future goals.

I am sure that we will use this opportunity to further strengthen the strong friendship and strategic partnership between our countries, based on the mutual trust and respect that have bound our countries together for a long time. Also, I express once again that I hope to cooperate closely with you by increasing our efforts for the sake of peace and prosperity of our region and people.

Your Excellency, I sincerely wish you new success in your work as a supreme state."


Italian President Sergio Mattarella sent a congratulatory letter to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

The letter reads:

"I would like to convey my sincere congratulations on your re-election to the position of the President of Azerbaijan and my best wishes for the fulfilment of your supreme mandate.

Rome and Baku have a truly strategic and multifaceted partnership, strengthened by a common commitment aimed at further expanding the areas of deep friendship and cooperation.

I am confident that we will be able to continue working together to promote prospects for peace, stability and prosperity for the entire Caucasus region, a crossroads of fundamental importance in a phase characterized by acute conflicts and disturbing tensions.

The development of constructive trust and cooperative relations between Azerbaijan and the European Union is an integral part of this path, and Italy will provide its full support for this.

With this intention, I once again convey my best wishes to your Excellency for prosperity and a prosperous future for the friendly people of Azerbaijan."


King Abdullah II of Jordan sent a congratulatory letter to President Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of his confident victory in the elections.

In his letter, King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein expressed his pleasure in conveying sincere congratulations to the head of state on behalf of the people and government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

"This is a confirmation of great confidence in your leadership. The Kingdom of Jordan hopes to continue working with Your Excellency to further develop the cooperation and friendship between our countries for the benefit of our peoples."

The King of Jordan wished the head of our state continued success and good health, and the people of Azerbaijan progress and prosperity.


Latvian President Edgars Rinkevics sent a congratulatory letter to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

"I ask you to accept my sincere congratulations on your re-election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

I am sure that with our joint efforts, our good and constructive relations between Latvia and Azerbaijan will continue to develop in both bilateral and multilateral formats. I believe that the continuous development of our healthy dialogue will serve the long-term interests of our countries and peoples.

Your Excellency, please accept my highest regards. I wish you good health, energy, and success in the performance of your duties as a supreme state, as well as peace and prosperity for your country and its people," the letter stated.


The Minister of National Defense of Turkiye sent a congratulatory letter to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

The letter states: "I congratulate Your Excellency on your re-election as President.

I believe that under your leadership, the political, economic, social, and military successes achieved by Azerbaijan will continue to increase and will further strengthen the strong position of Azerbaijan, our second Motherland, in the region and the world.

The idea of "One nation, two states" inherited from the National Leader Heydar Aliyev has become the biggest guarantee of the security and stability of the region, strengthened by the leadership of Mr. President and Your Excellency.

With the thought that it is our most important shared responsibility to pass on our eternal and eternal brotherly relations to future generations, Turkiye will continue to be with our dear brother Azerbaijan with all its capabilities on both happy and sad days.

I would like to take this opportunity to once again congratulate Your Excellency on your re-election as the President of Azerbaijan on my behalf and behalf of the Ministry of National Defense.


President of Romania Klaus Werner Iohannis addressed a congratulatory letter to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

"I congratulate you on your re-election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and wish you continued success in your new mandate.

Numerous ongoing bilateral and regional projects between Romania and Azerbaijan demonstrate the high level of our mutual relations. Azerbaijan is a strategic, close, and reliable partner for Romania in the South Caucasus region.

I hereby reaffirm Romania's commitment to strengthening and deepening our strategic partnership. I am sure that Romania and Azerbaijan will take full advantage of the opportunities to develop bilateral cooperation in such important areas as energy, transport, education, trade, and investments with continuous efforts.

At the same time, Romania will continue its activities for the continuous and comprehensive development of the dialogue between Azerbaijan and the European Union.

Using this opportunity, I invite Your Excellency to make an official visit to Romania this year to deepen the strategic partnership between our countries.

Mr. President, please accept my deep respect for you", the letter emphasized.


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban sent a congratulatory letter to Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev.

"Let me congratulate you on your re-election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The election results demonstrated the Azerbaijani people's confidence in you.

I am glad that over the past year, we have raised our bilateral relations to the level of an expanded strategic partnership. Azerbaijan is not only an important political, economic, and cultural partner for Hungary but also a sincere friend. We have a common interest in developing our multifaceted cooperation and further joint investments.

Our historical closeness, social traditions, respect for family values, and cooperation in organizations uniting the Turkic peoples give impetus to the continuously strengthening relations between our countries. I assure you that my government remains committed to the development of our relations and the deepening of our mutually beneficial cooperation.

I wish you good health and success in your work as a supreme state," the congratulation said.


The Secretary General of the Council of Europe Maria Pejcinovic Burich addressed a congratulatory letter to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

"Taking this opportunity, I congratulate you on your re-election as the President of Azerbaijan these days.

I look forward to continuing to work together on our shared principles of advancing human rights, democracy, and the rule of law during your term of office. Along with the international community, the Council of Europe will continue to support all efforts aimed at peace, stability, and friendly neighbourly relations in the region," the congratulation emphasized.


Czech President Petr Pavel sent a congratulatory letter to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

"Let me congratulate you on your re-election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Close relations and friendly relations between the Czech Republic and the Republic of Azerbaijan have a long history. I believe that we will deepen and develop these relations together not only for the benefit of our countries but also for peace and stability on our continent.

Mr. President, I wish you good health, and success in your activities as a supreme state and in your personal life," the congratulation said.


Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin sent a congratulatory letter to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

"On behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation and my behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your confident victory in the presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The high trust of the people is proof of the wide public support for your course aimed at building a new Azerbaijan, sustainable socio-economic development, and improvement of citizens' well-being, strengthening the reputation of the republic in the international world.

I would like to especially mention your great personal contribution to the strengthening of Russian-Azerbaijani relations based on the principles of friendship, good neighbourliness, and alliance. By strategic decisions made at a high level, economic-commercial, scientific-technical, and cultural-humanitarian cooperation is expanded, and joint projects in various fields are successfully implemented. This fully meets the long-term interests of Russia and Azerbaijan.

I always remember the meetings with you in open and constructive conditions with pleasure. I would be glad to have the opportunity to continue our trusting communication.

Dear Ilham Heydar oghlu, I sincerely wish you good health, peace, and new success in your work as a supreme state," the congratulations said.


Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council Jassim Muhammad al-Budaiwi addressed a congratulatory letter to the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

"I am pleased and honoured to convey my sincere congratulations on your re-election as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

I wish you success in your work, and the people of Azerbaijan's high prosperity, development, and security.

I am sure that your re-election as President will contribute to the further strengthening of the already strong relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Your Excellency, please accept my highest respect," the congratulation said.

2024.02.12 / 21:57
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