Ilham Aliyev at the opening of tourism complex

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President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev participated in the opening of Mud Volcanoes Tourism Complex in Qobustan village of Absheron region.

Axar.az reports that the Chairman of the Azerbaijan State Tourism Agency, Fuad Nagiyev, informed the head of state about the works done in the complex.

It should be noted that mud volcanoes, which are an interesting phenomenon of nature, exist in many countries of the world. Azerbaijan is known as a region of rare and classical development of mud volcanoes. More than 350 of the more than 2,000 mud volcanoes known on Earth are located in the east of Azerbaijan and in the Caspian water area. Mud volcanoes are mainly spread on the Absheron Peninsula, the group of islands around Baku, Shamakhi, Qobustan and southeastern Shirvan. It is possible to closely observe the "Kilinc" mud volcano in the Mud Volcanoes Tourism Complex. These volcanoes consist of 8 sopka (hills) arranged in a row. Sopka breccia (coarse ground rocks) covered a large area and formed two bands extending to the northeast. The length of the breccia is 300-500 meters, spread over an area of ​​twenty hectares. The width of these lanes reaches 50 meters in some places. In general, although 60 percent of the volcanoes in our country are considered active, there is no information about strong eruptions of the "Kilinc" volcano in scientific sources.

President Ilham Aliyev was informed that the Mud Volcanoes Tourism Complex was built on an area of ​​12 hectares. An administrative building was built here. The new tourism infrastructure that has been created has made it possible to create more than 60 new jobs for the local population, especially for people living in the surrounding areas. The Tourist Information Center of the complex consists of an exhibition hall and a workshop. In the center, it is possible to get information about the characteristics of mud volcanoes, their natural and healing properties, and to get acquainted with the model of the mud volcano. About 80 rare minerals collected from all over Azerbaijan are displayed here. The name of the mineral samples, their chemical composition and information about the deposit from which they were taken are also included in the exhibition. Master classes on pottery and oil painting will be organized in the workshop.

The natural history exhibition hall of the complex arouses great interest with its wealth of exhibits. In the corners of the exhibition "Big cats", "Qobustan fauna", "Footprints of wild animals of Azerbaijan", "Azerbaijan's insect world", "Small-sized animal skeletons" there are skeletons of wild and domestic animals of Azerbaijan and world fauna, insects belonging to the nature of Azerbaijan, water - land animals and reptiles are exhibited. All animal skeletons and creatures displayed in the exhibition are original exhibits. These exhibits have been prepared in accordance with bioethical norms and consist of animal skeletons collected from various places by Azerbaijani experts over the decades after biological death. The natural history exhibition demonstrates the richness and biodiversity of Azerbaijan's fauna. The exhibition features 98 animal skeletons of Azerbaijan and world fauna, 870 different types of dried insects, 57 animals displayed in a special solution, a number of reptiles and amphibians, as well as paleontological exhibits. Pictures and illustrations of various animals are exhibited on the walls in order to increase the curiosity of children and schoolchildren about the world around them and to create an impression of animal skeletons in them. Here, we also provide information about the habitats of a number of animals taken under state protection in our national parks, including the leopard, bezoar goat, gazelle, and Caspian seal.

About 80 different types of minerals found in Azerbaijan are displayed in the Minerals exhibition created in the complex. Visitors can see beautiful and rare precious stones, crystals and geological samples brought here from all over our country - from Qobustan to Nakhchivan. The first part of the exhibition, consisting of two parts, shows samples of rock breccia erupted by mud volcanoes, and the second part shows minerals found in various mineral deposits in our country. Here, visitors are also provided with information about the Earth's surface, geological processes, and the formation of rocks and minerals. The creation of modern tourism infrastructure around mud volcanoes will increase public awareness of the volcanoes located in these areas and promote them as natural heritage.

It should be noted that a restaurant for 110 people was built in the area, and a pedestrian path was built for tourists to follow the volcanoes. A panoramic observation point and a square are also built here. By climbing this platform, it is possible to watch the surrounding mud volcanoes from a height and have an interesting time.
A parking lot has been built on the territory of the Mud Volcanoes Tourism Complex to ensure convenient transportation of tourists. Tourists who want to have fun will have the opportunity to join a tour in this difficult terrain on quad bikes, an environmentally friendly means of transport.

2024.06.13 / 14:10
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