NAS Daily shows Azerbaijan's coexistence - Video

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A video by the globally famous content creator known as "Nas Daily," who has millions of followers on social media, has become a trending topic regarding Azerbaijan.

Axar.az reports that the video discusses how Azerbaijan is a model and tolerant country.

Nas produced the video in collaboration with Aija Mayrock, a well-known author and two-time bestseller writer. The filming took place mainly in Baku and Guba. The video highlights how Jews, Muslims, and Christians live together in prosperity and peace. It showcases mosques, synagogues, and churches located in the country, and even emphasizes the warm relationships between religious figures of different faiths.

The authors of the video expressed their surprise at learning about the existence of the State Committee on Religious Associations in Azerbaijan, which works to maintain tolerance towards all religions.

“Azerbaijan is truly a country of coexistence. It is located on the historical Silk Road, and for centuries, people of different beliefs have passed through here. So, how have they managed to preserve tolerance? In the capital, Baku, there are beautiful mosques, churches, and synagogues. People of different faiths even marry each other, pray together, and celebrate national holidays together. This is Azerbaijan’s incredible story,” the authors note.

We present the video below:

2024.09.18 / 16:56
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