Hasanov congratulates Azerbaijani Women

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Azerbaijani Defense Minister, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov, congratulated Azerbaijani women on March 8 – International Women's Day and expressed his best wishes.

Axar.az reports that the congratulatory message reads:

"Throughout history, Azerbaijani women have written the brightest pages in our past with their wisdom, industriousness, purity and struggle, holding high the honorable and sacred name of motherhood. By actively participating in the socio-political, cultural life and society of our republic, they have demonstrated special skills and talents in the defense of the Motherland and state building, as well as being distinguished for their courage and fearlessness in the battles for territorial integrity.

Granting women the right to vote and be elected, which is one of the first decisions of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, is considered an honorable page in the history of our statehood and once again reflects their place in society, special respect, and prestige. After our republic regained its state independence, the irreplaceable role of Azerbaijani women in society was once again confirmed. Their active participation in the process of national state-building and increasing the socio-economic and cultural potential of our country is a clear example of the richness of the worldview and high intellectual level of Azerbaijani women. In the battles for the independence, territorial integrity, and sovereignty of Azerbaijan, women actively participated and showed examples of heroism and selflessness. Azerbaijani women have made great contributions to the upbringing of the young generation in the spirit of love for the Motherland, the state, loyalty to independent statehood,d and the ideology of Azerbaijanism, and have not spared their efforts as true citizens and mothers in their formation as worthy children of the people and society.

Under the leadership of the First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, Azerbaijani women are closely participating in the successful implementation of numerous major projects that serve our national and spiritual values, humanistic ideas and preserve and perpetuate our traditions, as well as in the reconstruction and construction work to increase the defense power of our country, making their worthy contributions to the Great Return.

Distinguished by their compassion, humanism, kindness, and patriotism, Azerbaijani women are also closely participating in the process of building the army. The work of our women serving in all branches of the Azerbaijani Army, special educational institutions, military medical centers, and other areas, as well as in civilian affairs, and their honorable and dignified fulfillment of their duties to the Motherland are highly appreciated. I respectfully commemorate the dear memory of our women who died while defending the independence, territorial integrity,y and sovereignty of Azerbaijan, extend my holiday greetings to the mothers of martyrs, lifelong companions of military personnel who lost their health in battles, and mothers of soldiers, and express my high respect and admiration. I believe that, as in all areas, our women serving in the army and working in civilian affairs will continue to justify the trust of the country's leadership and will show loyalty to the Motherland, people,e and state in response to the attention and care shown to them. I wish you good health, family happiness, and success in your work. Happy holiday, dear ladies!

2025.03.06 / 20:13
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