The Russian training ground was hit again: 60 dead - Video

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The training ground where the Russian soldiers were stationed in the Kherson region was shot by the Ukrainian army.

Axar.az informs that Russian Telegram channels reported on this.

The information was confirmed by the spokesman of the Southern Volunteer Army of Ukraine Sergei Bratchuk. According to him, before the strike, the commanders of the Russian "Dnepr" army group came to the area to conduct an inspection.

Telegram channels write that the strike was carried out on the Podo-Kalinovka training ground in the Kherson region. The 328th Airborne Assault Regiment, the 810th Separate Marine Guard Brigade and the 81st Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment were at the training ground. It was reported that more than 60 soldiers were killed along with the command staff.

2024.02.22 / 12:53
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