Israel's UN Ambassador urges Iranians to seize change - Video

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Israel's representative at the UN, Ambassador Danny Danon, appealed to the people of Iran in Persian.

Axar.az reports that he spoke at the meeting of the UN Security Council regarding the events in the Middle East.

In his speech, Danon touched upon the events taking place in the region and the overthrow of Bashar Assad's regime, an ally of Tehran, and then addressed the people of Iran.

"O people of Iran! Do not miss this historic opportunity. The people of Israel are with you," he said.

He also talked about Iran's threats to the region and the world.

"We know the price of freedom and the courage it requires. Your fight is not only for yourselves, but for the millions of people this regime has destabilized and destroyed. You have the power to rebuild a country rich in history, culture and resistance. This is for the Council and the world. is a unique opportunity. Prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and present the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) as a terrorist organization," the ambassador stressed.

2024.12.19 / 19:12
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