The Mufti of Moscow warned Russia

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The ban on Hijab in Russia will cause an increase in tension in society.

Axar.az reports that this was stated by the mufti of Moscow and the chief imam of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, Ildar Alyautdinov.

According to him, this could lead to dissatisfaction among Russian Muslims:

"The issue of banning the Hijab remains controversial. The Spiritual Administration's Council of Scholars is ready to discuss it with the authorities. The Muslim Spiritual Administration is not in favor of imposing the Hijab in modern secular states. However, Islamic countries may interpret such repression of their religion as 'violation of clothing rights."

It should be noted that Valery Fadeyev, the head of the Russian Human Rights Council, also expressed opposition to the possible ban on traditional head coverings for women:

"These efforts will be seen as an explicit act of violation of Russia's citizens' freedom of religious belief and compliance with secular legal norms that ensure freedom of religious belief and observance of religious laws, as well as the Constitution. The implementation of such a ban will have a negative impact on improving relations with the countries of the Middle East."

2024.05.22 / 16:55
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