Critical call from Gul to Erdogan - He announced his plan

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It is claimed that DEVA, Saadat and Future parties will merge and it will be headed by Abdullah Gul, the 11th president of Turkiye. At the same time, another behind-the-scenes discussion has emerged.

Axar.az reports that it is claimed that Abdullah Gul is preparing for the era after the current president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and he personally called Erdogan and expressed his purpose clearly.

It is reported that he told Erdogan about his plan to run for the presidency during the call. According to information, Abdullah Gul wants to be a candidate to get the JDP Party's vote because Erdogan will not be able to run again according to the Constitution if the TBMM does not decide on early elections.

Sources in the ruling Justice and Development Party said that "he can form a party, but he cannot be the candidate of JDP" and said that they did not take the news seriously.

2024.06.15 / 15:33
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