We can compromise the area of ​​100 square meters - Pashinyan

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A referendum on border delimitation between Azerbaijan and Armenia can be held. But for now, the borders between the two countries are being restored along the lines of the former USSR.

Axar.az reports that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said this in a press release.

According to him, reaching a new agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia on border delimitation is not excluded. A situation may arise where, for example, 100 square meters of Armenia or 100 square meters of Azerbaijan compromise each other. But this issue will be resolved through a referendum in Armenia.

Pashinyan said that the next stage of border delimitation can start from the Sunik side. Currently, the parties are working on the regulation. A decision will be made after the document is approved.

"I have been in Sünik district since yesterday, I have held dozens of meetings in both border and non-border settlements. Apparently, the peace agenda is the agenda of real Armenia, and this is clear to our people. This is very important. This means that we have been able to convey to our people what we are doing and why we are doing it," said Pashinyan.

2024.06.17 / 22:11
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