Tomorrow weather forecast

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On June 19, the weather conditions in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula are expected to be mostly rainless.

Axar.az was informed about this by the National Hydrometeorological Service.

It was reported that the moderate north-west wind will strengthen occasionally in the morning and during the day.

The air temperature will be 21 - 26° warm at night and 31 - 36° warm during the day. Atmospheric pressure will be 761 mm Hg. Relative humidity will be 60 - 70% at night and 45 - 55% during the day.

It is expected that the weather will be mostly rainless in the regions of Azerbaijan, but it will occasionally rain in some places during the day. In some places, there is a possibility that precipitation will be intense in the form of showers, there will be lightning, and there will be hail. There will be occasional fog at night and in the morning. The east wind will occasionally strengthen in some places.

The temperature will be 21 - 26° at night, 35 - 38° during the day, 40° in some places, 10 - 15° at night, 19 - 24° during the day.

2024.06.18 / 17:10
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