Kim Jong-un wants advanced military systems

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Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Pyongyang is a worrying sign of the formation of a nuclear alliance openly hostile to NATO and the West as a whole.

Axar.az informs that this was reported by "The Times."

"It is highly unlikely that Kim Jong-un welcomed Putin so generously merely for promises of food and fuel. He wants advanced communication systems, nuclear submarine technology, military satellite technology, and advanced intercontinental ballistic missile technology," said Victor Cha, an analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

It is noted that helping Pyongyang improve its ballistic missile program launched from submarines is particularly frightening, as it would enable Kim to deliver a surprise first strike with conventional or nuclear warheads if necessary. Additionally, possessing such weapons would guarantee a powerful retaliatory strike if Pyongyang’s military capabilities were destroyed.

2024.06.20 / 09:36
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