Guterres: World cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza

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United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Friday he is profoundly concerned by escalating tensions between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah and that U.N. peacekeepers are working to calm the situation and prevent miscalculation.

Axar.az reports citing foreign media.

"One rash move - one miscalculation - could trigger a catastrophe that goes far beyond the border, and frankly, beyond imagination," he told reporters. "Let's be clear: The people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza."

"U.N. peacekeepers are on the ground working to de-escalate tensions and help prevent miscalculation," Guterres said.

"The world must say loudly and clearly: immediate de-escalation is not only possible – it is essential," he said. "There is no military solution."

2024.06.21 / 22:57
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