The Azerbaijani candidate was threatened in the debate

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The debate in which six candidates participated in the presidential elections to be held in Iran on June 28 was broadcast live on the country's state television.

Axar.az reports that the candidates have promised to eliminate the two biggest issues that the Iranian people are struggling with - internet ban and hijab.

The only reformer of the elections, including the Azerbaijani candidate Masud Pezeshkian, in the 4-hour long debate, noted that internet restrictions can exist only in a crisis situation, but harm the people in normal times. He also touched on the issue of the headscarf:

"Just as they could not remove the hijab from our women before, we cannot force them to wear the hijab now."

It is interesting that one of those who made promises about the hijab was Mustafa Purmohammadi, the only cleric candidate of the elections.

Purmuhammedi said the mandatory hijab was "a provision of the law" but that it would not be mandatory, and that if he were to become president, he would withdraw the law currently under discussion, which imposes various sanctions on women who do not follow the rule.

Conservative candidate Said Jalili's performance in the debate has formed the opinion that he will keep the current administration as it is. Thus, he did not touch on the censorship imposed on the Internet, and said that the headscarf plays an important role in protecting the privacy of women.

The highlight of the debate was the dialogue between Alirza Zakani and Masud Pezeshkian. Zakani, who is expected to withdraw his candidacy in favor of Ghalibaf or Jalili, has openly declared that he will not allow Masoud Pezeshkiana to be elected president.

"This is a competition and the people will decide. No one can be a hindrance to someone," Pezeshkian said in response.

2024.06.22 / 17:58
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