On February 25, the 12th meeting of the Economic Cooperation Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Turkic States (TURKPA) was held in a videoconference format, dedicated to the topic of “Energy Security as a Factor of Sustainable Economic Development”.
Axar.az reports that the Azerbaijani delegation at the meeting was represented by Agalar Valiyev, a deputy of the Milli Majlis, a member of the Economic Cooperation Commission.
During his speech, the deputy spoke about the regular purposeful work carried out by the Milli Majlis to further improve the legislative framework in the energy sector and spoke about important events held in the country.
Then, the report and recommendations on the main topic of the commission meeting, as well as the model draft law “On Clean Energy in Economic Activity” prepared within the framework of the commission, were discussed and approved.
Finally, the agenda, topic, and date of the next meeting of the commission were determined.