Zakir Hasanov met with Seyfullah Hajimuftuoglu - Photo

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On May 12, Azerbaijani Defense Minister Colonel-General Zakir Hasanov met with a delegation led by Secretary General of the Turkish National Security Council Seyfullah Hajimuftuoglu.

Axar.az reports citing the Defense Ministry.

Welcoming the guests, the Minister stressed that the fraternal and friendly relations between the two countries have made a significant contribution to cooperation between the two countries.

Hasanov expressed satisfaction with the high level of relations between the two countries in military, military-technical and military education, as well as in other areas. The Minister said that these relations serve to strengthen peace, security and tranquility in the region.

Expressing gratitude for the warm reception, Mr. Hajimuftuoglu stressed the importance of further developing relations.

The sides exchanged views on the development prospects of Azerbaijani-Turkish cooperation, as well as a number of issues of interest.

2022.05.12 / 19:56
Nurlana Ahmadova
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