The President received O'Brien

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On June 28, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received James O'Brien, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs of the United States of America.

Axar.az reports that James O'Brien noted with satisfaction the recent telephone conversation of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken with President Ilham Aliyev and the discussions held during it.

He emphasized the commitment of the United States to advance the regional peace agenda and its readiness to support this process. He noted the importance of cooperation between Azerbaijan and the United States in various fields, including the further development of our relations at the strategic level. In this regard, regional cooperation, Middle Corridor and other issues were discussed.

President Ilham Aliyev recalled with pleasure his telephone conversation with Anthony Blinken, and said that during this telephone conversation, a wide range of our relations was discussed.

It was emphasized that successful cooperation between Azerbaijan and the United States in various fields has been established since the first days of our country's independence.

During the conversation, the role played by Azerbaijan in Europe's energy security, energy cooperation between Azerbaijan and the United States, effective and useful consultations of the delegations of the two countries within the framework of the COP were noted. It was emphasized that the United States will continue its support for the successful outcome of COP29.

2024.06.28 / 12:12
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