Pezeshkian wrote our city with its original name

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"Manoto" TV channel, which operates abroad and belongs to monarchists, again targeted the Turkish candidate for the presidency of Iran, Masoud Pezeshkian.

Axar.az reports that this was shared on the social media account of the TV channel.

"The publication of Parviz Mohammad's letter about the appointment of Masoud Pezeshkian as the head of the election headquarters in Naqada (Sulduz) caused a wave of anger and negative reactions on social networks. In the letter, instead of the city of Naqada, a name popular among nationalists was used," the post said.

It should be noted that "Naqada" is one of the cities of West Azerbaijan province, which became the subject of dispute and conflict between Turks and Kurds.

Although the historical Turkish name of the city was Sulduz, it was later changed to Naqada.

Despite this, the majority of Azerbaijanis and Turks living in Iran know, write and call the city by its historical Turkish name Sulduz.

In Masoud Pezeshkia's letter, writing Sulduz instead of "Naqada" is used against him and the presidential candidate is accused of nationalism.

2024.06.28 / 14:22
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