Zangezur corridor tensions rise in Iran

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Axar.az presents political scientist Zaur Mammadov's interview:

- Mr. Zaur, over the past two weeks, Iranian parliamentarians, political analysts, and generals have made statements about the Zangezur corridor. They have criticized the Russian president and foreign minister for supporting the opening of the Zangezur corridor. What is causing Iran's concern?

- It seems that Iran is mainly concerned with whether Russia aligns with Azerbaijan or Iran regarding the region’s future political, economic, and military landscape. The cooling relations between Armenia and Russia, and the new realities and perspectives forming between Baku and Moscow, worry Tehran.

However, Azerbaijan has repeatedly demonstrated that the new realities, established after justice was restored at the end of 2020, will bring significant advantages to Iran as well.

- This isn’t the first time there’s hysteria in Iran over topics like "Greater Azerbaijan" or Zangezur. During the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR) period in 1918-1920, Iranian politicians also viewed the developments in the South Caucasus with caution, seeing them as threats to their country...

- Indeed. In 1919, first M.A. Rasulzadeh, and later Y.V. Chamanzaminli (in his short work "Our Foreign Policy"), responded to Tehran’s concerns. He stated: “The fact that our state is called Azerbaijan has caused misunderstandings. However, there’s no issue regarding whether the Tabriz region, that is, Iranian Azerbaijan, belongs to Iran or not. We have no intention, nor have we ever had the intention, to violate Iran’s rights. Our progress and comfort will only come from maintaining friendly relations with our neighbors.”

Today, Azerbaijani officials have repeatedly declared that our country advocates friendly, neighborly relations with Iran. Despite the fact that the only reason Armenia wasn’t completely blockaded was because of Iran, and despite some unfavorable actions taken by the Islamic Republic in the region between 2020-2023, Azerbaijan has invited all its neighbors, including Iran, to the 3+3 format and continues its efforts to launch the North-South transport corridor as soon as possible.

Politicians south of the Araz River know very well that Azerbaijan’s leadership has never participated in coalitions against Iran and has repeatedly shown true neighborliness and brotherhood unilaterally.

Iranian officials' statements about Zangezur make us look back at history, as even Ahmad Shah Qajar, although late, recognized the Azerbaijan Republic, including these territories, which spanned 114,000 sq. km.

In this context, the 1919 report of the first diplomatic mission from the Azerbaijan Republic to Iran is of great interest. According to the signed agreement, Iran recognized the ADR de jure, and the head of the mission, Seyid Ziauddin, sent all treaties and protocols for approval to Prime Minister Vosuq ed-Dowleh through one of his team members. The subsequent events are well-known: April 28th and the fall...

Thus, in the meetings held between 1919-1920, while Iran recognized the ADR, it also recognized its borders. During that time, Zangezur had not yet been given to the Armenians, and our state’s territory was 114,000 square kilometers.

- What was mentioned in the friendship treaty between the Azerbaijan Republic (Caucasus) and the Iranian Empire?

- The treaty consisted of 4 articles.

According to the first article, Iran declared that it recognized the independence of the Azerbaijan Republic (Caucasus).

The second article noted that both parties agreed to establish friendly relations and stable economic ties by signing conventions on trade, customs, postal, and telegraph services.

The third article was dedicated to establishing diplomatic relations at the level of embassies between the two states.

The fourth article mentioned that the treaty was signed in two copies in French, would be ratified within one month, and the ratification documents would be exchanged in Baku. The treaty was signed on behalf of the Republic by Foreign Minister Fatali Khan Khoyski, Justice Minister Khalil bey Khasmammadov, and Transport Minister Khudadat bey Malik-Aslanov, while Seyid Ziauddin Tabatabai signed on behalf of the Iranian Empire.

Thus, the international community recognized Zangezur and Karabakh as part of the Azerbaijani state. It would be wise for politicians facing new realities in the region since 2020 to revisit history.

Azerbaijan, on its own, crushed the Armenian army and liberated Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur from occupation. Currently, a stable Caucasus is crucial for our region and our neighbors. The opening of communications and the realization of returns are vital for peace and sustainable development in the region. As with the liberation of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur from occupation, Zangezur’s return to its historical reality will serve the region’s prosperity.

2024.09.12 / 10:13
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