President Aliyev addresses Pre-COP29 participants

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Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev addressed the participants of the Preliminary Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (Pre-COP29) held in Baku on October 10.

Axar.az presents the text of the address:

"Esteemed ministers,

Ladies and gentlemen,

I greet you at the pre-COP event held in Baku.

Climate change affects countries on all continents, but developing small island states are more vulnerable to these impacts. This has a negative effect on the livelihoods of people globally and hinders progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Azerbaijan is no exception in this regard. We observe every year a decrease in water levels in our rivers and a decline in the level of the Caspian Sea. Azerbaijan also faces water scarcity.

Azerbaijan is taking bold steps to address these challenges. We are successfully implementing our socio-economic priority of a “clean environment and green development” at the national level. Azerbaijan has declared 2024 as the “Year of Solidarity for a Green World.”

Our rich wind and solar energy potential enables us to develop a renewable energy agenda. The declared "green energy" zones in the liberated Karabakh and East Zangezur have sufficient renewable energy resources.

Azerbaijan is also investing the revenues from oil and gas production into "green energy." This clearly demonstrates that our wealth in fossil energy resources does not hinder our steps toward promoting a green agenda.

As a country with a mere 0.1 percent share of global greenhouse gas emissions, Azerbaijan exemplifies how countries with lower emission shares can make significant contributions to combating climate change.

Our determination to support global climate action has resulted in our candidacy to host COP29.

I consider the unanimous support given to Azerbaijan as a reflection of the international community's confidence in our country. We take pride that the first COP in the South Caucasus will be held in Azerbaijan.

Despite having less than a year at our disposal, we have taken full responsibility and achieved significant milestones. The inclusive COP29 Organizing Committee, which includes women, parliament members, and representatives of civil society, is ensuring comprehensive preparations for the Baku COP event.

The COP29 Presidency is guided by the slogan “Solidarity for a Green World” and collaborates constructively and transparently with all stakeholders, conducting numerous visits and listening to everyone’s concerns.

We have prioritized addressing the challenges posed by climate change for developing small island states. Azerbaijan considers it a moral obligation to assist these countries and provides support in both material and political terms, including within the framework of the United Nations.

To ensure the sustainability of these efforts, the UAE, Azerbaijan, and Brazil have established a “Climate Troika” as the presidencies for COP28, COP29, and COP30.

Azerbaijan has developed an ambitious Action Agenda comprising 14 initiatives covering various issues such as peace, finance, human capital, and water. Against the backdrop of existing geopolitical tensions, the “COP Ceasefire Call” becomes even more relevant.

It is important to note that significant progress has been made in September of this year toward the operational launch of the Loss and Damage Fund in Baku.

Nevertheless, our main task is to agree on a fair and ambitious New Collective Quantitative Goal (NCQG) that addresses the needs of developing, least developed, and small island developing states. The new financial goal requires significant growth.

As the President of COP29, neither Azerbaijan nor any other heads of state can make decisions on behalf of others. Our role is to provide a platform to support negotiations, and we believe we are fulfilling this role impartially. The innovative “Shamakhi Consultations” proposed by Azerbaijan can play an effective informal format for the future development of climate negotiations.

As we enter the final phase of preparations for COP29, I urge you to collaborate constructively and with good intentions for the sake of humanity. While states have common yet differing responsibilities, they must set aside their disagreements, stop blaming each other, and reach a common consensus. We do not have the luxury of time to determine who is guilty of global warming or who has harmed the environment the most.

As has been repeatedly emphasized, the Baku COP event will be a crucial test for multilateralism. The international community does not have the option of failure, and an agreement must be reached on the New Collective Quantitative Goal (NCQG). I look forward to the historical agreement, which will go down in history as our collective success at COP29 – the “Baku Agreement.”

I cannot fail to mention the smear campaign by certain media outlets aimed at tarnishing Azerbaijan's image. These attempts are futile and cannot deter us from carrying out our noble mission to combat the negative effects of climate change.

I wish to greet heads of state and government at the World Leaders’ Climate Action Summit to be held in Baku from November 12 to 13, in the spirit of solidarity for a green world.

In conclusion, I wish you fruitful discussions next month in Baku, leading to successful outcomes.

Thank you."

2024.10.10 / 11:12
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