A strong earthquake in Azerbaijan

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According to the initial information received from the Republic Seismological Service Center under the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences to the Crisis Management Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, on 28.06.2024 at 07:43 local time, 27 km east of the Lerik seismic station, at a depth of 18 km in the Lerik region, 5 an earthquake was recorded in the magnet.

Axar.az reports that the Press Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released information about this.

The earthquake was felt at a magnitude of 5 at the epicenter, 4 in Lerik, Lankaran, Astara, Yardimli, Masalli and Jalilabad regions, and up to 3 in other regions.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations has not yet received any information about any damage or human injury as a result of the earthquake.

2024.06.28 / 09:26
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