Tomorrow weather forecast

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Weather conditions in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula are expected to be mostly rainless tomorrow.

Axar.az reports that according to the information provided by the National Hydrometeorological Service, the weather will be overcast in the first half of the day, and there is a possibility of short-term rain in some parts of the peninsula. North-west wind will be replaced by north-east wind during the day.

The air temperature will be 20 - 24 degrees at night and 26 - 30 degrees during the day. Atmospheric pressure will be 757 mm Hg. Relative humidity will be 65 - 75% at night and 40 - 45% during the day.

Occasional rain is expected in some places in the regions of Azerbaijan. Mainly in the mountainous and foothill regions, there is a possibility that there will be intense short-term showers, lightning and hail. There will be occasional fog at night and in the morning. The east wind will occasionally strengthen in some places.

The air temperature will be 19 - 23 degrees at night, 27 - 32 degrees during the day, 8 - 13 degrees at night and 13 - 17 degrees during the day.

2024.06.28 / 16:12
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