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On August 12, the weather conditions in Baku and the Absheron peninsula are expected to be mostly rainless.
Axar.az was informed about this by the National Hydrometeorological Service.
North-west wind will be replaced by north-east wind during the day.
The air temperature will be 20-25° warm at night and 31-36° warm during the day. Atmospheric pressure will be 755 mm Hg. Relative humidity will be 60-70% at night and 45-50% during the day.
Intermittent rain and lightning are expected in some places in the regions of Azerbaijan. There is a possibility that there will be short-term showers and hailstorms mainly in mountainous and foothill regions. At night and in the morning there will be occasional fog in some places. A moderate east wind will blow.
The air temperature will be 21-26° warm at night, 32-37° warm during the day, 12-17° warm at night, 19-24° warm during the day.
2024.08.11 / 14:34