Weather forecast for tomorrow

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The weather forecast for January 23 has been announced.

Axar.az reports that according to the National Hydrometeorology Service, the weather in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula is expected to be partly cloudy, occasionally overcast, and mostly dry. However, intermittent precipitation is likely in some areas at night and in the morning.

The southeast wind will occasionally strengthen during the day.

The temperature will range from 6-9°C at night to 9-11°C during the day.

Atmospheric pressure will decrease from 774 mmHg to 769 mmHg, remaining above normal. Relative humidity will be 70-80%.

In Azerbaijan’s regions, intermittent precipitation is expected in some areas, with short-term intensification in certain places and snow in mountainous regions. Precipitation will gradually subside by evening. Fog will occur in some areas intermittently.

Moderate eastern winds will occasionally strengthen in some eastern regions.

Temperatures will range from 0-4°C at night to 7-11°C during the day, while in the mountains, temperatures will range from -5 to -10°C at night and -3 to 2°C during the day.

2025.01.22 / 18:10
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