The Little Things - John Samuel Tieman

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Axar.az presents an article "The Little Things" by John Samuel Tieman.

When I am talking to folks overseas, when the subject of Donald Trump comes up, the discussion turns to big stuff like the Muslim ban, the border wall, the big stuff. But I most often remember the little things like the day-to-day embarrassments. Here are a few examples. I'm taking these exclusively from Trump's first year in office. These are just examples of the little things, the day-to-day assaults on emotional sensibilities and public decorum, the affronts to common decency.

A few days after his inauguration in January of 2017, on a phone call with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Trump got mad about a refugee deal. So he hung up. Halfway through a scheduled hour-long discussion, he hung up. On a prime minister.

A newspaper reported that Pres. Trump watches the news while he wears a bathrobe. Sean Spicer, the president's spokesman, corrected the story by saying that the president doesn't own a bathrobe.

In a tense conversation with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, a conversation about tariffs, Trump asked Trudeau, “Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?” British troops burned down the White House during the War of 1812. Canada didn't exist in 1812. In 1867, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, and Ontario formed the Dominion Of Canada.

During a press conference, Trump suggested that a Black reporter set up a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus. “Are they friends of yours?” he asked.

Trump accused former President Obama of tapping his phone. He called Obama a “bad (or sick) guy”. Trump also misspelled “tapp”. The Justice Department said there was no evidence of such a tap.

In May of 2017, Pres. Trump brought House Republicans to the Rose Garden. They celebrated the passage in the House of a bill intended to repeal and replace “Obamacare”, the Affordable Care Act. The problem was that it had yet to pass the Senate. Indeed, it later rather spectacularly failed that Senate vote.

“Time” magazine correspondents were invited to a private dinner at the White House. The writers were given one scoop of ice cream. The president was served two.

During a NATO leadership meeting in Brussels, Trump brushed aside the prime minister of Montenegro, this in order to place himself at the front of a group photo.

At around midnight on May 31st, the president tweets his most famous tweet. It begins, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe”. Yes, you're reading it right, “covfefe”.

On July 13th in Paris, our president told the First Lady Of France, Brigitte Macron, that she's “beautiful” and in “such good shape”.

The president gave a speech at a Boy Scout Jamboree. He bragged about his election win. He criticized the media. Then he started telling a risque story about a yacht.''I won't go any more than that, because you're Boy Scouts.''

Michael Wolff wrote a tell-all book. Hope Hicks, the White House Communications Director, was reportedly told by Pres. Trump that she was the best “piece of tail” that former Trump's campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, would ever have.

During the 2017 solar eclipse, the president stared at the sun. He did not wear protective glasses.

In August, Trump pardoned Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona. The sheriff was convicted of criminal contempt concerning his hard-line tactics with undocumented immigrants. Arpaio's tactics are widely regarded as brutal and sadistic.

After Hurricane Harvey, the president toured an emergency shelter in Houston. He reported that he saw “a lot of happiness”. He told everyone to “have a good time.”

Sgt, La David Johnson, 25, was killed while on a joint U.S. and Nigerien patrol. In a condolence to the soldier's wife, Trump said to her, “he knew what he signed up for”.

Trump backed Roy Moore in an Alabama special election for the United States Senate. More served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama from 2001 to 2003 and again from 2013 to 2017. Every time he served, he was removed for misconduct. Moore later faced multiple allegations that he pursued sexual relationships with girls as young as 14. Moore was defeated in his run for the Senate.

That's just a short list from 2017, Trump's first year as president. I haven't even gotten the president calling our war dead “suckers” and “losers”. That was 2018.

2024.04.22 / 09:53
See also

Idealism And Politics - John Samuel Tieman

The Morals Of An Alley Cat - John Samuel Tieman

Leadership And Empathy - John Samuel Tieman

The Search - John Samuel Tieman

Knowing and Understanding - John Samuel Tieman

Brown vs. Board - John Samuel Tieman

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History And Community - John Samuel Tieman

Schools Are Never Neutral - John Samuel Tieman

Memorial Day - John Samuel Tieman

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