Zakir Hasanov visited "Garaheybat"

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On October 13, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel-General Zakir Hasanov, and other leading staff of the ministry visited the "Garaheybat" Training Center.

Axar.az was informed about this by the Ministry of Defense.

The Minister of Defense was interested in the training process of the participants of the "Officer qualification course" of the Training and Education Center of the Azerbaijan Army at the tank directorate.

It was reported that here, based on the experiences learned in modern combat operations, the listeners are trained in the methods of effective application of tanks and combat vehicles in residential areas.

Then the minister inspected the simulation center where fire control exercises are conducted using modern technology. Here, practical shootings of military personnel from mortar installations were demonstrated.

2022.10.13 / 19:56
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