Washington wants to reach a peace agreement

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James O'Brien's visit to Baku is related to the implementation of US plans on the Middle Corridor. Washington wants to reach a peace agreement between Baku and Yerevan before the presidential elections in the United States and take control of the corridor from Europe to Central Asia.

Axar.az. reports that the head of "Telegraf" Media Group, political scientist Aynur Jamal said these words

A. Jamal emphasized that the main plan of the United States is a strategic struggle with China.

"The Middle Corridor is an integral part of China's "One Belt One Road" project. Zangezur corridor is one of the key points in this project. If the project envisioned by China goes ahead, it will affect the global power of the United States, at least at the global level, it will promote Beijing as an alternative power. The US intends to take control of the Middle Corridor to deter China. Therefore, it wants to open a corridor without the participation of China and Russia in the geography starting from Central Asia and extending to Europe. O'Brien also made it clear. That is why the United States needs to sign a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia in a short period of time.

The political scientist noted that the main problematic point in the US plan is the approach to the Zangezur Corridor:

"The USA does not accept the opening of the road from Azerbaijan to Nakhchivan with the logic of the corridor. It seems that Armenia's "peace junction" project is at the forefront of Washington's plan. That is, a peace agreement is signed between Azerbaijan and Armenia, communication is opened with road logic, and the road to Nakhchivan is under Yerevan's control. This does not meet the interests of Azerbaijan. The West initially said it did not accept the Zangezur Corridor because of Russia's participation in it, official Baku proposed the "Kaliningrad model" as a way out: the "Azerbaijan to Azerbaijan" principle is applied on the road to Nakhchivan, that is, Azerbaijani trucks and Azerbaijani passengers are not subject to customs checks, using this road customs inspection is applied to third countries. This proposal was welcomed by the EU, but Armenia does not accept it. In Yerevan, they hope that the United States will satisfy Azerbaijan. O'Brien discussed this plan during his three-day visit to Yerevan on June 10, and now he is coming to Baku with the same purpose."

According to A. Jamalgyzi, Azerbaijan will not agree with this plan:

"Baku's proposal for an unimpeded transition to Nakhchivan should be accepted, only in this case the plan desired by the United States can become a reality, otherwise, Azerbaijan will not accept the peace agreement that will benefit Armenia without receiving anything."

2024.06.27 / 16:34
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