Baldwin deliberately opened fire - Claim

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The family of Halyna Hutchins, the cinematographer fatally shot by Alec Baldwin on the set of the movie “Rust” last year, filed a wrongful-death lawsuit on Tuesday in New Mexico against crew members and producers, including Mr Baldwin.

Axar.az reports that the suit, filed by Ms Hutchins’s widower, Matthew Hutchins; her 9-year-old son; and the personal representative of Ms Hutchins’s estate, accused Mr Baldwin and the other defendants of reckless conduct and cost-cutting measures that endangered the crew, including failing to follow basic industry-standard safety checks and gun safety rules.

“Halyna Hutchins deserved to live, and the Defendants had the power to prevent her death if they had only held sacrosanct their duty to protect the safety of every individual on a set where firearms were present,” the lawsuit said, “instead of cutting corners on safety procedures where human lives were at stake, rushing to stay on schedule and ignoring numerous complaints of safety violations.”

2022.02.16 / 15:12
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