The long arm of the Armenian lobby extends to Biden

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Axar.az presents the article "The long arm of the Armenian lobby extends to Biden" by Andrew Korybko:

It's becoming increasingly well known across the world that the Armenian diaspora is a powerful lobbying force to be reckoned with. Although numerically small, it exerts disproportionate influence over some countries' foreign policies, with this being seen most clearly in the case of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden's latest statement on Nagorno-Karabakh. The former Vice President demanded that the Trump Administration stop waiving section 907 of the 1992 Freedom Support Act and thus immediately end its military assistance to Azerbaijan.

The Act in question was promulgated nearly three decades ago at the urging of the Armenian lobby, and it's strongly suspected that they're responsible for Biden bringing it up again right before the election. To explain, California Democrats exert immense control over the party's agenda nowadays and they're largely under the influence of the wealthy Armenian diaspora that lives in their state. All prominent California Democrats must kowtow to their demands otherwise they stand little chance of being elected. It can therefore be extrapolated that the tiny California Armenian diaspora wields a lot of power over some of the most influential Democrats.

This, in turn, results in an almost statistically insignificant ethnic minority playing an outsize role formulating American policy in a very sensitive region where one wrong move could be catastrophic for stakeholders as important as Russia, Iran, and Turkey too. Instead of putting America's national interests first, the Democrats are prioritizing the narrow self-interests of the California Armenians as a reward for their support of some of the party's most prominent figures. Adam Schiff of Russiagate infamy is among their top proxies in the US government, earning an A+ on the “Armenian National Committee of America's” (ANCA) “report card”.

That's not to say that the Russiagate conspiracy was hatched by the California Armenians, but just that they as a group support him for putting their interests first, which also translates into endorsing his frenzied impeachment efforts against Trump. It, therefore, can't be discounted that the Democrats wanted to reward them for their loyalty by having Biden issue his provocative statement.

Another related reason might also be connected to the influence that the California Armenian lobby wields over Pashinyan's government after they supported his Soros-backed Color Revolution rise to power and the NGOs that went there in the aftermath.

This influence network's subversive intentions are to destroy Armenia's traditional partnership with Russia from within so that the country pivots more decisively to the West at Moscow's expense. In a sense, the California Armenians can be compared to the Fethullah Gulen Terrorist Organization (FETO) because they're both based in the US, are backed by the Democrats, support violent regime change, aspire to capture control of a foreign government, and then want to hijack its interests away from national ones and in the direction of narrow selfish interests instead.

With this insight in mind, one can confidently assert that the California Armenians -- through their commanding influence over the powerful California Democrats who greatly shape the party's policies -- stand to exert disproportion influence over the US' foreign policy towards the South Caucasus if Biden wins the election. This tiny but very powerful ethnic lobby is endangering not only American democracy itself but also the US' national interests if they succeed in hijacking this issue upon Biden's possible election, facilitated as they may be by the party's leaders who want to reward them for their loyal support of Adam Schiff and other California Democrats.

2020.11.02 / 11:39
Andrew Korybko
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