Pashinyan is absolutely right - Sensational commentary

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Before the meeting of Azerbaijan Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov and his Armenian counterpart Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan draw attention with his statement.

N.Pashinyan said that the war in Karabakh is not over yet.

Famous Russian public figure, historian-scientist Oleg Kuznetsov commented on the subject to Axar.az.

Kuznetsov said that Nikol Pashinyan is right about what he said "the war is not over yet".

"The territorial problem between Azerbaijan and Armenia has not been solved, and Pashinyan has expressed an objective fact. Using the shock therapy, Pashinyan has informed about the objective reality of Armenian community.

According to him, the fact that such statement said on the eve of the Washington meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan increases the value of the mentioned meeting. Because until now, this kind of meetings were technical.

"Now, the Foreign Minister of Armenia, in the light of this statement, should submit some documents to his Azerbaijani colleague to deliver to Azerbaijan's supreme political leadership. In this sense, in the light of this statement, the meeting of the Foreign Ministers will go beyond the technical framework and reach a certain political level" - Kuznetsov noted out.

2019.06.20 / 16:23
Isko Babazade
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