Turkiye's first astronaut in Baku

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Being ready for urgent challenges in the space field is one of the main tasks ahead.

Axar.az reports that military pilot and the first Turkish astronaut Alper Gezeravci said this at the panel entitled "Adapting business strategies to the demands of society, current problems and improving life in the world" held within the framework of the "Baku ID" (Baku Investment Day) festival. .

"Noting that the last 23 years of his life have been spent preparing for all events that may occur in space, the military pilot spoke about the last 74th International Astronautical Congress:

"The fact that the capital of Azerbaijan holds events related to this field gives impetus to the development of the space sector. One of the missions of us astronauts is to inform young people about the space field, create interest and make them fall in love", said A. Gezeravci.

2024.06.28 / 09:12
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