YouTuber Albert Isakov has shared a speech made by Armenia’s first president, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, on July 23, 1993, addressing the “Yerkrapa” terrorist group known for massacres in Karabakh and aggression toward Azerbaijani civilians. reports that Isakov expressed shock at Ter-Petrosyan’s speech and provided its source in Armenian.
It’s noteworthy that Albert Isakov’s father is a Mountain Jew (Azerbaijani), and his mother is Armenian. Born in Baku in 1974, Isakov lived in Azerbaijan until age 16, then moved to Armenia in 1990 for 12 years, later spent five years in Israel, and now resides in Canada.
According to Isakov, this text is crucial for understanding the "national strategy and goals" of Armenians and the motives behind this criminal group:
“Ter-Petrosyan addresses this criminal group as ‘my brothers’ and does not conceal the aims of his movement. In this speech, he reveals his fascist essence and goals,” Isakov stated.
Ter-Petrosyan admitted that armed actions against Azerbaijanis began in 1988 and claimed that without initiating these five years ago (the speech was made in 1993), there would have been no Karabakh issue.
He highlighted three achievements:
1. Accomplishing what the Armenian people hadn’t in 600 years—completely cleansing Armenia and Karabakh of other ethnic groups. He claimed this would benefit Armenians for another 600 years.
2. Noting that until 1988, 170,000 Azerbaijanis lived in Armenia, he emphasized that their presence would have prevented the existence of the Armenian state and the defense of regions like Gegharkunik, Masis, and Amasya.
3. Stating that this cleansing didn’t happen by chance but was the result of the Armenian national movement, its military wing, and self-defense battalions like "Yerkrapa."
Isakov pointed out that Ter-Petrosyan essentially confirmed the forced expulsion of Azerbaijanis:
“Ter-Petrosyan describes the presence of Azerbaijanis in certain regions as a threat to Armenia and admits the role of armed groups in ethnic cleansing. His reference to Armenia being 'cleansed' implies a dehumanizing view of Azerbaijani residents, equating them to filth. This is blatant Nazism and open fascism.”
Ter-Petrosyan cited the second success as the displacement of 500,000 Armenians from Azerbaijan, claiming it resolved Armenia's demographic issues by bringing 300,000 to Armenia.
Lastly, he mentioned combining political and military efforts as a third success, emphasizing the ideal execution of military operations.