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A rare Siberian musk deer has been spot by trail cameras installed at the Land of the Leopard National Park in Primorye Territory in the Russian Far East.
Axar.az reports citing sputniknews.com.
"The Land of the Leopard's research fellows have managed to obtain video footage with an adult male Siberian musk deer," according to a message published on the national park's website.
"In the video, the musk dear, which seems to be at first glance an inoffensive and calm animal, demonstrates its 'weapons'", the message said, specifically referring to the animal's saber-toothed fangs.
"Due to its canine teeth, this animal looks like a 'vampire deer', which the animal is actually a herbivore. Male musk deer use their saber-toothed fangs to fight for the females of the species while in heat," the message said.
A total of 100 Siberian musk deer currently reside in the Land of the Leopard National Park, which was established in 2012 to ensure the survival of rare Far Eastern leopards.
2018.02.10 / 18:50