Zakharova insulted Simonyan

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Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova commented on Armenian Parliament Speaker Alen Simonyan's statement regarding the Armenian church's tax payment.

Axar.az reports that Zakharova wrote about this on her Telegram channel.

"Armenian Parliament Speaker Alen Simonyan said: 'It is necessary to discuss why the church did not pay taxes, and in general, it is necessary to reconsider the legal point of view. What does a blessed monk do differently from an ordinary businessman who pays taxes and provides weapons to the army?' At the same time, the European Solidarity faction in the Verkhovna Rada and Petro Poroshenko demand the reintroduction of a complete ban on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Why do people who started eating with Westerners literally turn into demons?!" - Zakharova stated."

2024.05.22 / 16:24
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