Jeyhun Bayramov met with the Italian Foreign Minister

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Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov met with Italian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Edmondo Chirielli, who is visiting our country.

Axar.az was informed about this by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan.

At the meeting, satisfaction was expressed with the existing bilateral cooperation between Azerbaijan and Italy and the perspectives of multidimensional strategic partnership between the two countries in political, defense, security, economic, trade, energy, humanitarian, educational and other fields were discussed.

The delivery of the C-27J Spartan military transport aircraft produced by the Italian company "Leonardo" to our country was noted with satisfaction, and it was stated that cooperation in the field of defense will contribute to the further development of relations between the two countries.

The parties also exchanged views on the process of normalization of Azerbaijan-Armenia relations in the region in the post-conflict period.

During the meeting, other international and regional issues of mutual interest were also discussed.

2024.06.26 / 22:30
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