There was a fight between supporters of Pezeshikan and Ghalibaf

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Last night, there was a fight between supporters of presidential candidate Masoud Pezeshkian and Mohammad Bagir Ghalibaf in Revolution Square in Tehran.

Axar.az informs that local media reported on this.

The conflict was caused by the support rally of a group of Azerbaijanis living in Tehran at the same time as Pezeshkia's meeting in Tabriz.

Ghalibaf's supporters attacked the Azerbaijanis who were chanting support slogans in Turkish and tried to prevent the support action. Dozens of people were injured in the mass fight involving hundreds of people, and several of the Azerbaijanis who supported Pezeshkian were detained.

It should be noted that according to the results of the latest opinion polls, Masud Pezeshkian is ahead of all his competitors.

2024.06.27 / 12:12
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