Azerbaijan to prohibit cousin marriage

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Marriage of blood relatives is prohibited in Azerbaijan.

Axar.az reports that an amendment to the Family Code is proposed in this regard.

With the amendment, the number of cases preventing marriage is increased. So, the following cases are added to the code.

- children of brothers and (or) sisters who have a common biological grandfather and (or) grandmother;

- biologically related uncle (uncle) and niece (sister), as well as aunt (aunt) and nephew (sister);

In the project, proposals were also put forward regarding the expansion of the circle of subjects between whom marriage is not allowed. So, like a part of the world's population suffering from this problem, the risk of genetic diseases in children born as a result of marriages between blood relatives in Azerbaijan is very high.

It should be noted that according to the current legislation, marriage between the following persons is not allowed:

- close relatives (parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, biological and step-brothers and sisters);

- adopters and adoptees;

- persons one or both of whom are married to someone else;

- persons who did not pass the medical examination stipulated in Article 13 of this Code;

- persons who are considered incapacitated by the court as a result of mental illness or mental retardation, one or both of them.

2024.06.11 / 17:10
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