Lukashenko called Pashinyan a disgusting person

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Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko responded to Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's accusations.

Axar.az reports that Lukashenko insulted the Armenian leader in response to the journalists' question "Do you intend to apologize to Pashinyan?"

He revealed some points about Pashinyan:

"Listen, this is funny. He says, let Lukashenko apologize. Well, I'm ready right now, right now, in front of everyone. I'm sorry dear, but you are a disgusting person. One more thing... We already had such a disgusting person in a green shirt, who demanded one more thing (he did not say what he meant as Lukashenko, but it is assumed to be Zelensky - ed.). Everything is clear with him. However, this Pashinyan once called me at night and asked me to reconcile him with Putin. I helped him at that time. Vladimir Vladimirovich (Putin) told me that Alexander Grigoryevich, if you know how annoying this Pashinyan is. He said it a little differently, I'm just telling you now in a soft way. Then I asked, they met in Moscow. Now he "thanks" me like that.

It should be noted that Pashinyan previously accused Belarus of selling arms to Azerbaijan during the Second Karabakh War. He said that he will not visit Belarus during Lukashenko's presidency and that he will change his opinion only if Lukashenko apologizes.

2024.06.16 / 14:50
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