Russia has so far suffered heavy tank losses

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Russia has suffered heavy tank losses since the start of the war in Ukraine and may only have a few thousand armored fighting vehicles left.

Axar.az reports that "Newsweek" has published information about this with reference to the results of the analysis of satellite images of artificial intelligence.

The AI ​​studied satellite images of 87 Russian military facilities, including 16 bases where tanks, artillery vehicles and armored personnel carriers are stored. The analysis calculated the number of tanks at these key facilities from the February 2022 full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine to the present day.

"One of these bases is the 111th Central Tank Reserve Army in southeastern Russia. Satellite images show that in April 2021 there were 857 tanks there and now it is almost empty. It turned out that only a few months after the start of the war, in October 2022, Russia lost almost half of these tanks. The analysis of other military facilities revealed a similar picture," the report said.

Michael Gjorstad, a defense and military analysis analyst at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, said that Russia still has about 3,200 tanks in storage.

"But most of them are in bad condition and need major repairs," the analyst said.

Gustav Gressel, senior researcher on international relations of the Council of Europe, also noted that Russia is losing more equipment than it can replace, and supplies are decreasing:

"It is important that Ukraine inflicts huge financial losses on the Russians so that the situation becomes critical for them."

2024.06.28 / 16:52
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