UK MP proposes motion on Baku massacre

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Early Day Motion No. 644, which has the status of a legislative document, was presented in the UK Parliament.

Axar.az reports that this proposal was put forward by MP Bob Blackman and aims to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the massacre of Soviet troops in Baku on January 20, 1990.

The proposal emphasized that the military intervention in Baku was carried out in response to the people's movement for the independence of Azerbaijan, and as a result, approximately 150 civilians were killed. This piece of legislation calls on members of the UK Parliament to remember the victims of that tragic day and remember these historic events.

In the text of the proposal, B. Blakmen emphasized the importance of the events and noted the importance of remembering the people's struggle for freedom and independence.

It should be noted that early daily motions are one of the official legislative documents introduced in the UK Parliament to draw attention to certain issues and initiate debates.

2025.01.18 / 11:10
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