Russia has extended condolences to Armenia

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Russo-Armenian Humanitarian Response Center maintains constant communication with the Crisis Management National Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Armenia amid the recent upheavals.

Axar.az reports that this was stated by Maria Zakharova, an official spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"The leadership of the center maintains constant communication with the Crisis Management National Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Armenia, as well as with the headquarters for the prompt elimination of the consequences of disasters in the Lori and Tavush provinces. The Russian Embassy in Yerevan and the consulate general in Gyumri are in contact with the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the leadership of the Lori, Tavush, and Shirak provinces to provide possible additional assistance and maintain communication regarding whether there are any Russian citizens among the affected," Zakharova said.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs official noted that Russia sincerely extends condolences to the brotherly Armenian people in connection with the natural disasters in Armenia and wishes for the swift recovery of the affected.

It is worth mentioning that heavy rains and landslides have caused significant damage in Armenia. According to preliminary information, 2 people have died, and 2 people are missing.

2024.05.27 / 12:37
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