Erdogan discussed this with Fidan and Putin in Moscow

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The terrorist group in Syria does not intend to hold elections. There is no such thing as an election. Let's note this first. There is a game designed to legitimize and build a terrorist organization in the region.

Axar.az reports that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said this in his statement to journalists.

"We have clearly shown in previous proceedings how adept we are at destroying such games. Of course, the Syrian leadership will not allow the terrorists to take a step or move freely at this point. Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan was in Moscow a few days ago. They discussed these issues in detail with Mr. Putin in Moscow. In addition, H. Fidan had meetings with Russian Foreign Minister Mr. Lavrov. Hopefully, the PKK terrorist organization and others will not have the opportunity to move freely in Syria. If such a situation arises, we are ready to take the necessary measures. We will not allow the establishment of "Terroristan" on the tip of our nose," Erdogan said.

2024.06.15 / 17:10
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