According to Pezeshkian, there was a conflict in IRGC

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The fact that Masoud Pezeshkian was ahead of Ali Khamenei's representative in the Supreme National Security Council, Saeed Jalili, and the speaker of the parliament, Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, caused a conflict between the IRGC.

Axar.az reports that local social media channels and local sources voiced claims about this.

According to information, the leadership of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps accused the IRGC "31 Ashura" brigade in East Azerbaijan province of not supporting Ali Khamenei's representative in the Supreme National Security Council, Saeed Jalili, and protecting Pezeshkian.

According to unofficial information, pressure was put on the "31 Ashura" brigade, which refused to issue a statement of support in favor of Jalili, and a meeting of IRGC commanders was held.

According to local sources, similar problems have arisen in the Ministry of Security and Intelligence of Iran (ETTELAAT), and the departments of the ministry in East, West Azerbaijan and Ardabil provinces are under pressure.

It is said that this started a few months ago, because the center's trust in the institutions in the provinces of Azerbaijan has decreased, and a number of powers of local administrations have been restricted.

It is claimed that on June 25, the Tabriz governorship revoked the permission given to Masoud Pezeshkian for holding an election rally planned for June 26 at the Bagshimal (Takhti) stadium of Tabriz as a result of the pressure of the IRGC General Command.

This caused the dissatisfaction of the Azerbaijani commanders of the "31 Ashura" brigade, and they forced the Tabriz governorate to restore the permission to hold the rally.

In addition, the fact that national activists arrested in West Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan and Ardabil provinces in the last few months were taken to Tehran for interrogation, unlike the previous ones, is considered as the Ministry of Security and Intelligence's lack of trust in the local units.

2024.06.27 / 17:24
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