Iran reacted to Armenia's recognition of the Palestine

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Finally, Iran also reacted to Armenia's recognition of the Palestinian state.

Axar.az reports that Iran's ambassador to Armenia, Mehdi Subhani, spoke about this.

He said that Iran welcomes Armenia's recognition of the Palestinian state and assistance to the Palestinian people.

"This courageous step taken by Armenia demonstrates that the international community cares about the rights of the Palestinian people and opposes the violation of these rights."

Subhani emphasized that the countries that support Palestine and its people are on the side of truth.

It should be noted that Armenia announced its recognition of the Palestinian state on June 21. Immediately after this announcement, Turkiye's Foreign Ministry expressed its congratulations to Armenia, and even President Erdogan personally expressed his opinion on this decision of Yerevan. After that, almost all Arab countries announced their positive attitude towards Armenia's decision.

The fact that Iran, which has always supported Palestine and has established high relations with Armenia, did not react to this decision of the official Yerevan, and only a week later said that it "welcomed" it at the level of the ambassador, is not received at all unambiguously. According to some observers, Armenia's announcement of this decision on June 18 after Pashinyan's phone conversation with Erdogan caused irritation in Iran. Thus, Iran has used Palestine for its political ambitions, and now its "brotherly country" Armenia is dissatisfied with such a decision under the influence of Turkiye. Because the main thing for Iran is not Palestine, but the policy it conducts over Palestine.

2024.06.28 / 11:52
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