A possibility of peace between Yerevan and Baku

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We have effective cooperation with Azerbaijan in various fields.

Axar.az reports with reference to APA that James O'Brien, assistant to the United States Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, who is on a visit to Azerbaijan, said this at a briefing for journalists.

According to the diplomat, he discussed the regional situation and cooperation in the meetings held in Baku today and reviewed the situation in recent years.

Blinken's assistant also spoke about the process of normalization of Azerbaijan-Armenia relations. The American diplomat noted that the United States sees the possibility of peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

He added that the resolution of the conflict will be effective for the region as a whole, both politically and economically.

J. O'Brien emphasized that Azerbaijan's chairmanship of COP29 was also discussed during the meetings:

"We will provide technical support to Azerbaijan in this process. We consider climate change to be a serious global challenge."

2024.06.28 / 18:30
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